
The company within the company - The Junior Group apprentice company!

Entrepreneurial thinking and acting on one's own responsibility are the cornerstones of the RATIONAL culture and should therefore also play an important role in training.
In particular, the interlocking of technical and business content under realistic framework conditions in our training is therefore important in order to optimally prepare the new RATIONALers for their future roles.

The Junior Group, our apprentice company, was therefore set up to link the various training and study courses. Since then our apprentices have been working closely together, learning from each other and gaining valuable insights into each other's areas of responsibility and processes on a daily basis. But what does that mean in concrete terms? Is it more of a theoretical coffee party or do you get something out of it?

  • Of course! As a real company, there is also production, of course! Our trainees have been working on the Junior Group since 2020 and have done an amazing job! The charcoal grill, "FIRE" was designed, tested, and manufactured under the direction of our trainees. The commercial side of things, right up to sales, also comes 100% from apprentice hands. Congratulations on this great success.
    Problem: The FIRE is only accessible to an elite group of people. Therefore, we recommend that you study our current vacancies so that you too can become the proud owner of a FIRE!

Of course! As a real company, there is also production, of course! Our trainees have been working on the Junior Group since 2020 and have done an amazing job! The charcoal grill, "FIRE" was designed, tested, and manufactured under the direction of our trainees. The commercial side of things, right up to sales, also comes 100% from apprentice hands. Congratulations on this great success. Problem: The FIRE is only accessible to an elite group of people. Therefore, we recommend that you study our current vacancies so that you too can become the proud owner of a FIRE!

Would you rather be part of the Junior Group and are you looking for an apprenticeship or a dual study program?

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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Title Functional Area State Sort descending
Speculative Application Italy
Speculative Application Italy People and Culture IT
People and Culture IT
Inside Sales Executive, South India Marketing IN
Service Contracts Administrator RATIONAL UK Other Functional Areas GB
RATIONAL Nachwuchskräfteprogramm Technik m/w/d Research and Development DE