Children's Day in Bavaria and Brazil

For schoolchildren in Bavaria, the Day of Repentance and Prayer (Buß- und Bettag) is a welcome break: a day off in the middle of the week. However, for working parents, this poses a challenge, and many wonder, "Where to leave the kids?" All school-age children of employees aged 6 to 14 were invited to this year's RATIONAL Children's Day on November 22, themed "Circus, Dance, and Acrobatics." After intense practice, a performance of the newly acquired skills for parents took place in the late afternoon at the Sports Center Landsberg.

RATIONAL Brazil also organized a Children's Day for employees' children this year on National Children's Day, offering something for all age groups. Naturally, cooking in the iVario and iCombi was a key activity, and the young chefs had great fun preparing pizza, burgers, cookies, and a typical Brazilian sweet called "Brigadeiro".

From the little RATIONAL enthusiasts to the big ones and those who aspire to be:

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