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In-house training fair

We took the week of training as our motto and invited young people interested in training to an in-house training fair.

We took the week of training as our motto and invited young people interested in training to an in-house training fair. On March 14, numerous young people had the opportunity to ask our trainers and apprentices questions about commercial apprenticeships and to take a closer look at their potential employer during a plant tour. On March 16, our apprentice workshop opened its doors and provided an in-depth look at technical training at RATIONAL. In addition to presentations about training, the apprentices themselves demonstrated their training stations using various areas in the training workshop and were thus able to experience a real workshop operation with a wide range of activities such as turning, milling, and soldering. You missed the chance last week? No problem. Here you can find a summary of the information about our apprenticeship.

On March 14, numerous young people had the opportunity to ask our trainers and apprentices questions about commercial apprenticeships and to take a closer look at their potential employer during a plant tour.

On March 16, our apprentice workshop opened its doors and provided an in-depth look at technical training at RATIONAL. In addition to presentations about training, the apprentices themselves demonstrated their training stations using various areas in the training workshop and were thus able to experience a real workshop operation with a wide range of activities such as turning, milling, and soldering.
You missed the chance last week? No problem. Here you can find a summary of the information about our apprenticeship.

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Speculative Application Italy
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People and Culture IT
Service Contracts Administrator RATIONAL UK Other Functional Areas GB
RATIONAL Nachwuchskräfteprogramm Technik m/w/d Research and Development DE
Inside Sales Executive, South India Marketing IN